STONE Pre-Beta Pilot Program Reward Distribution (Test Mining & Bug Bounty) Announcement
Dear Stone Community,
We are happy to announce that the rewards distribution of the Test Mining & Bug Bounty has started. If you are a Pre-Beta Pilot Program & Bug Bounty participant, please check details as follows:
STN Staking pool:20:00, May 18 2021–20:00, May 22 2021 (UTC+8)
ETH/STN liquidity mining pool :20:00, May 18 2021–20:00, May 22 2021 (UTC+8)
For each valid Bug Bounty participant, 200 STN will be sent to each address during the Pre-Pilot Beta Program.
In addition, we have also decided to add an additional 300 USDT worth of STN as rewards to all deposited addresses.
Again, we thank all community members to be with us, and the exact date to distribute STN Rewards for will fall at 20:00pm (GMT+8) on May 27 2021.
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